Click on each image for further information.
Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the message of God's unconditional love. It provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on project of Samaritan's Purse that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas — Jesus Christ — God's greatest gift.
To date, OCC has collected and distributed over 94 million shoe box filled gifts world wide. Each shoe box is filled with hygiene items, school supplies, toys and candy and is given to children regardless of gender, race, religion or age. When culturally appropriate, copies of a book entitled The Greatest Gift of All, which has been translated into 130 languages, are offered to children after the shoe boxes have already been distributed.
World Mission Offering provides funds to help in over 70 countries. Some of the efforts include starting new churches, freeing children from exploitation, poverty, hunger, helping families find refuge from their tormentors, treating medical conditions and slowing the spread of preventable diseases.
America for Christ works with children and their families who are in poverty. Whether it is hunger, education, exploitation, or other social situations, AFC is there. The provided funds aid in the building of churches and help spread the Good News.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
World Vision provides hope and assistance to approximately 100 million people in nearly 100 countries. In communities around the world, they join with local people to find lasting ways to improve the lives of poor children and families.
As a child sponsor, a monthly sponsorship gift of $35 per month would provide a child and others in his or her community with life changing basics like clean water, nutritious food, health care, education, spiritual nurture and more!
Shaun Rossi is a native of Voluntown, CT and Voluntown Baptist Church who answered God's calling and now serves as a lead-pastor with the United Community Church (, as well as a part-time lecturer at a local bible college and director of Agricola Theological Institute ( and leads Operation Mobilization in Europes Church Planting!(
With his wife Katja and their 4 young children, the Rossi's seek to glorify God by making disciples among God's people in Finland and Europe. They endeavor to do this primarily through serving the local church, planting new churches, proclaiming Christ, and bible education. Above all, they seek to find their joy in Christ so that others may see and find their joy in Him.
We support the Rossi family's mission with our prayers and our love offerings monthly.
Chikumbuso, a grassroots project in Ng’ombe, Zambia, provides an alternative lifestyle to the most vulnerable women and children in the township. Chikumbuso provides free schooling for the children, as well as adult training and capacity building, income generation activities and community building programs.
The word Chikumbuso means remembrance. We Remember those who have died, Remember where we have come from, and Remember to do for others. We are able to accomplish this as we reach out to widows, orphans, young single mothers, young men, and grandmothers.
In God’s Word we are told to care for the orphans and widows… we are not asked to do this but told emphatically to do so.
So it is up to us, you and me, to join with these courageous people and bring back wholeness to their lives.
Check out the website and see how you can help.
If there is a natural disaster, One Great Hour of Sharing is there immediately to help where they can. Our offering allows them to “store” money so there is no delay in aid because they are waiting on monies.
OGHS helps in so many ways, here and abroad. Abroad OGHS has provides relief aid after with earthquakes, mudslides, tsunamis, cyclones and tropical storms in countries such as Chile, China, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan and even winter storm relief in Bosnia. On the home front, OGHS has helped with flooding relief in Massachusetts, Nebraska, Rhode Island and Wisconsin, Nor’easter Storm relief in NJ and helped rebuild flooded homes in Iowa.
Care Net and their network of more than 1,100 pregnancy centers offer hope to women facing unplanned pregnancies by providing practical help and emotional help. Free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, abortion information, parenting classes, and material assistance are just some of the many services offered that empower women to choose life. As an umbrella organization, Care Net seeks to promote, prepare and plant pregnancy centers across North America.
The ultimate aim of Care Net and its network of pregnancy centers is to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ in both word and deed. As a result, the hearts of women and men are being changed by Christ's love. In addition, those struggling with past abortions are finding God's healing and forgiveness.
The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering gives American Baptists all across America an opportunity to say thank you to all those who have given of themselves in their work for Christ.
The RMMO provides emergency and other financial assistance to these retirees and their spouses, based on financial need. It also provides "Thank you" checks, based on 15 or more years of ABC service.